I'm back from doing all of my incredibly important stuff so here's a longer post now :) How are you? I'm ill, but let's move on.
Every single boyfriend (except for a horrific breach of judgement I brought home at the age of 14) I've ever had has been interested in computers. Jukka almost majored in Pharmacy but then he met me and changed over to studying IT. What is this business? I know I usually draw myself with a computer, because I'm usually WITH a computer, but I can't program anything, I fight regularly with hardware and I'm nervous around white text on a black background. That firmly rules me out of being the kind of person I'm talking about. Anyway last night Jukka and I had a conversation that really emphasised the humanities side of my studies.
I've got a cough and a cold, so I was taking cough medicine. The brand name is "Resilar". Suddenly:
Jukka told me afterwards that his brain did something like this:
He was trying to think how perhaps the packaging reminded me of something. Or if it tasted familiar. No!
Turkish really does use the suffix -lar and resilar had reminded me of something I couldn't place for a long time. I'm pretty sure I found out what it was now <3
I've noticed that the humanities student girlfriend and computer studies boyfriend is a common pairing. At my department in university a lot of girls have a boyfriend from the University of Technology. I had one for a while, too. There's some friendly rivalry going on between the two univiersities, but obviously, it's childish and immature because my university is epic win and therefore better.
So to make everyone's life easier I decided to write a troubleshooting guide. You're welcome.
Sometimes your computer science boyfriend may feel like humanities studies aren't very.. concrete. There's a common stereotype of humanities studies being wishy-washy, lots of hippies just thinking and forming dangerous opinions of their own. And yeah, there are a lot of questions "which don't have a right answer, as long as you can argue your case", which is annoying. Yes, literature analysis, I'm talking about YOU. Personally I prefer linguistics, which is more scientific. However, I do seem to spend a lot of my time doing this:
1. Thinking
2: wondering
3. mulling
4. In general just HARDCORE PONDERING

Do not be fooled, computer science man! Mulling is deceptive. It's not quite as passive as it looks. I squeezed out 86 pages of master's thesis and handed it into my teacher(s) yesterday. Now it's totally THEIR PROBLEM FOR A WEEK. <3>
If you are lucky you may have some things you like in common. Unfortunately there may be some things that your computer science boyfriend can't quite be as enthusiastic about as you are: 

This may happen in the nerd --> humanities direction.

Fear not, there is a solution! Notice that I was sneaky and put this on the internet so even computer science boyfriend can find my ingenous guide. You have to find ANOTHER person who has a computer science boyfriend or humanities student girlfriend and then latch on to this person to stop you from learning how to tell the time in binary or understanding bits of code. Likewise, computer science boyfriends can pass the time complaining about how stupid Windows is (it really is, though) and how their distro of Linux totally pwns yours. This also prevents computer science boyfriend from invading YOUR computer and "seeing what it can do".
Here's something to mull:
1. Why does everything taste like bleach after a cold?
Mum pointed it out today and she was right. It does. Why?